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ZUBKO Tetiana,
PhD in Economics, Associate professor of the Department of Corporate Economics and Finance,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
LAPTIEVA Victoriia,
PhD in Economics, Senior lecturer of the Department  of Corporate Economics and Finance,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Successful operation of a company implies the existence of a rational system of measures for its safety. At the same time, the main risks are related to the personnel; therefore, personnel security is an important component of the company’s economic security.
The analysis of recent research and publications has shown that despite the exis­tence of certain scientific achievements, an important scientific and practical problem remains to be resolved with regard to the mechanism of implementation of the personnel security system and the indicators of its rapid analysis within the enterprise.
The aim of this paper is to analyze the existing views and propose the author’s interpretation of the concept of "personnel security of the enterprise", to identify the com­ponents of the mechanism for ensuring the economic security of the enterprise, to study the elements of the mechanism of implementation of the personnel security system, to identify the threat factors for it and to form a system of indicators for its rapid assessment.
Materials and methods. In the process of research, methods of comparison, theo­retical synthesis, analysis and synthesis were used.
Research results. The scientific hypotheses on the justification of the set of indica­tors for assessing the level of personnel security of the enterprise are presented, by defining the threats of this functional component of economic security based on synthesis of the findings of domestic and foreign scientists. According to the results of this research, a set of proposals has been developed, in particular: the components of the mechanism of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise are grouped; the elements of the mechanism of implementation of personnel security system of the enterprise and its main goals are determined; threats (external and internal) analyzed; and the system of indicators for express estimation of the level of personnel security of the enterprise is substantiated. It is suggested to estimate the personnel security rating for a generalized index of personnel security, taking into account several indicators that are divided into stimulators and disintegrators.
Conclusion. Unlike existing publications, the definition of personnel security is formulated for the first time as a functional component of economic security, which is a characteristic of protecting the interests of enterprises from threats that are directly related to actions or inactivity of the staff, due to the combination of targeted and functional approaches.
The list of indicators for express analysis of personnel security of the enterprise was formulated and substantiated, their thresholds were specified, which is the novelty of the research. Accordingly, they were verified by constructing an estimation formula and the level of personnel security of three enterprises of different industries was analyzed in dynamics for three years.
The selection of indicators for extended analysis still requires further research and substantiation. The presented conceptual provisions require further scientific research in order to prevent and reduce the threats coming from the staff.
Keywords: personnel security, system, indicators, structure, threats, factors, level of personnel security.


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